About Us
Farzana’s love for kids combined with her passion for cooking and baking is what inspired her business journey. Her dream became a reality when she launched Sprinkles and Spice, a cooking school for kids, which offers classes for children between the ages of 6 – 12 years old.
Sprinkles and Spice covers both the baking and cooking aspects where basic skills, are implemented enabling you to cook and bake like a professional, but more importantly sets the foundation for a lifelong love for cooking and baking. The classes allow the kids to develop into adulthood and offers them a platform to discover their creativity and develop their love and taste for flavours and food.
The fun and educational interactive 120 minute classes provides a platform for kids to unleash their creativity through baking and cooking a host of easy to make treats. An added bonus is that they get to take the recipe and the goods that they have made home with them to share with their families.
As Farzana is passionate about sharing her knowledge and love for baking and cooking with all ages she has also introduced Moms or Dads & Tots (2 – 5 years old) classes.
Sprinkles and Spice also offers classes for youth and adults via the Amy Foundation. This 2 month program helps young adults prepare for the world of work, employment and entrepreneurship in the Hospitality Industry.
…and for those adults who have aspirations to be gourmet chefs or just enhance their kitchen skills…They can tune in to Radio 786 every Monday @ 10.30am to catch Farzana as she shares recipes, tips and all her inside secrets. Her motto is #fussfree #flopproof and #easypeasy and all her recipes live up to this ideal. …and if you thought it ends with classes think again…..
If you prefer recipes in print, Farzana is the weekly Cooksister Columnist for The Daily Voice and her recipes are published in print, every Wednesday so be sure to grab a copy.
Farzana is also the Author of ‘Sprinkle Time’ and ‘Spice Time’ Recipe Books and she has her own Cooking Spice Mix Range…
Head on over to the online store tab to view all these amazing products.

Farzana Kumandan
Founder and Facilitator of Sprinkles and Spice Cooking Classes.
Author of Sprinkle Time and Spice Time Recipe Book
Radio Host for Sprinkle Time on Radio 786
Cooksister Columnist for The Daily Voice
Manufacturer and Distributor of Sprinkles and Spice Speciality Spice Range
Whether it’s a Special occasion, you cooking for your family, hosting a Sunday tea or just because you craving something sweet, there’s a recipe here for everyone. View our recipes on our Socials @sprinklesandspicect or head on over to our Online Store to purchase one of Farzana’s recipe books or her amazing Sprinkles and Spice Range.
Sprinkles and Spice offers a Speciality Spice and Roast Range, which enables you to create delicious, tantalizing curries or roasts in a few easy steps.
For the latest news, updates or recipes make sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok our website or download our app via Google Playstore.